Sébastien Reuzé, Foes

Sébastien REUZE, FOES

(in collaboration with Maïté Vissault)

The booth for the Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles at Art Brussels presents FOES, an exhibition by Sebastien Reuzé, curated by Emmanuel Lambion and Maïté Vissault. The exhibition indirectly subverts the paradigms of visibility and openness, which are the main features of a contemporary art fair.
The title with its hushed sounds, whilst conveying an idea of hostility, corresponds well to the choices made for the scenography of booth as well as to the content and atmosphere conveyed by the works.
The booth is indeed a closed space, only to be entered by two doorways. Painted in gray, lined inside with galvanized steel panels, it enhances the dashing colours of Reuzés photographic prints.

Indeed, if Reuzé’s primary body of work is mainly made up by photographs, his projects often leads him to the creation of sculptural objects, editions, as well as of architectural/structural interventions on the display devices. On a global level, Reuzé develops a constant research in terms of supports, formats, techniques and display devices, in order to enhance the subjective and expressive potential of daily life and of landscape as a genre.

Sub specie, the starting point FOES is rooted in a matricial body of photographs developed by Reuzé over the past few years, drawing its free inspiration from J.G. Ballard’s Vermilion Sands.
In this series, Reuzé revisits the tradition of the American photographic road movie, with references to the works of a Garry Winogrand, an Ed Rusha, a Gus Van Sant, or a David Cronenberg.

The fictitious character of a soldier from the US Air Force in a strange, unheimlich and liminal environment, between real and virtual world is the main hero of this series.

His is a pilot of drones, who somehow influences the real world through virtual reality. His fights resemble those of a video game, but are actually firmly rooted in the real world, between a form of detachment from modern contingencies and the complicit acceptance of technological hyper-surveillance.

The physical space of the booth (curated by Emmanuel Lambion) will find an editorial extension in the guise of a limited edition FOES NOUVELLES (curated by Maïté Vissault) and to be released @ Maison Grégoire on 18/6/2016.

21/4-24/4 2016

Booth of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (F8)
Art Brussels
Av du Port 86c
1080 Brussels

With the support of the Service des Arts Plastiques
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles