Ghosts and Nails @ KXX -Überchannel

Everything often hangs only by a thread or a nail.
This is namely the case for Ghosts and Nails, the exhibition which inaugurates Überchannel, the new programmation of Bn PROJECTS @ KXX. Overall, it is an exhibition which speaks of meta- / -infra-visibility but also of resistance and resilience. This nail or these threads are for you to find and discover, if not necessarily to use them.

To begin with, there is the discrete silver nail imagined by Patrick Carpentier. The urban legend has it that it was the only artwork hanging in the very special house of one one the most celebrated Belgian conceptual and minimal art collectors, whose collections are now on display at MOMA.

Patrick Carpentier provides also the symbolic lead of the inauguration of the programmation of this artistic belvedere dominating all Brussels, suggesting through another protocol / artwork the possible, playful and performative extension of this programme. He has been keeping / collecting over the past years locker keys from the major art museums which he visits worldwide, thus potentially appropriating semi-private / semi-public, confidential and clandestine, yet prestigious, exhibition spaces.

The protocol will be activated during the exhibition, in a given art institution in Brussels, which will thereby act as a sort of delocalized, stealthy and surprising antenna to the exhibition you’ll discover at KXX - Überchannel.

Acting as sort of pictorial negatives, often oscillating between representation and abstraction, Tom Lowe’s new paintings, conceived and imagined from the very central neuralgic of the residential part of K XX, that is its bed, will be revealed in an indirect mediatized way.

It is only through a reverse accessibility setting that one will discover some evanescent traces of daily objects from this domestic place.

Laurent Dupont’s intervention, liminally oscillating between sculpture and camouflaged painting, acts as a sort of anti-ready made, both conceptually radical and humorously subversive.

Integrated to specific architectural and furniture elements of the space, the proposals of Zinaïda Tchelidze, Joke Robaard, Trin Alt suggest or elicit evanescent presences / activities.

Whereas Trin Alt, like Tom Lowe, reacts to the new functionality of the studio as an artist residency and organic living space, whose panoramic bed occupies a central position, Zinaïda Tchelidze infiltrates the peripheral spaces, its spectacularly scenographic windows and balconies.

Discrete ghost-like presences are also suggested by the sculptural elements which she integrates in the living room, in the guise of precious lost wax fingerprints.

Joke Robaard’s Se-lections activate on garments the etymological dialectics encapsulated in their very title (id est separating from a collection) : Cutting off textiles along the seams of the clothes, she creates resilient open silhouettes.

Alessandro Costanzo’s contributions infiltrate the exhibition texts, which thereby become limited and unique artist pieces. He asked A.I. to invent / create jokes, tales and prayers (70 of each, 210 in total), thereby questioning the very specificity of the paradigmatic qualities which we usually associate to humankind : Laughter, narrativity, spirituality.

Cheers, mind your joke, fable or prayer, and welcome to Brussels.

This exhibition inaugurates Überchannel, the programmation organised by Bn PROJECTS @ KXX, in an apartment sublty remodelled by architect Yannick Vergnaud.
This new venue of artistic projects and residencies is located on the 20th floor of an apartment building emblematic of the urban development of Brussels in the 2nd half of 20th century.
KXX overlooks Canal and KANAL - Centre Pompidou and offers an unsurpassed panorama on the European and Belgian capital.

Opening on Thursday 21 March 2024, 5 pm.

Quai du Batelage 5 /bell 284
B-1000 Brussels

Exhibition open on Saturdays, 2-6 pm
and on apointment
from 23/03/2024 until 04/05/2024

Special opening during Art Brussels on Friday 26 April 2024, 2-6 pm

A limited edition of an alternative invitation to the project as well as an individual and unique version of New Fathers by Alessandro Costanzo will be handed over to the 210 visitors of the show.

Most sincere thanks to the artists for their trust and commitment, to Yannick Vergnaud and Hannelore Thomas for their hospitality and enthusiastic support, to Marc Buchy for the layout of the cards, and to Gauli Zitter, Brussels & Galerie Mieke van Schaijk, ’s-Hertogenbosch.