Found in Translation, chapter M

An exhibition by Emmanuel Lambion (Bn PROJECTS) for Muse Program

With :
Jacques ANDRE (B), Steven BAELEN (Be), Charlotte BEAUDRY (B), Roxane BORUJERDI (FR/Irn) Aline BOUVY & John GILLIS (Lu / Be), Lucia BRU (Be), Liudvikas BUKLYS (Lit), Elisabeth S. CLARK (UK), Joachim COUCKE (B), Yael DAVIDS (Isr), Koenraad DEDOBBELEER (Be), Edith DEKYNDT (Be), DENICOLAI & PROVOOST (I/Be), Aleksandra DOMANOVIC (Sl), Jean-Pascal FLAVIEN (F), Dominique GHESQUIERE (F), Camille HENROT (F), Sofie HAESAERTS (B), Karl HOLMQVIST (Sw), Hedwig HOUBEN (Nl), Ann Veronica JANSSENS (Be), Khaled JARRAR (Pal), Renaud JEREZ (Fr), Eleni KAMMA (Gr), Ermias KIFLEYESUS (Eth), Erwan MAHEO (F), Valérie MANNAERTS (Be), Jonathan MONK (UK), Manfred PERNICE (D), Jimmy ROBERT (F), Jani RUSCICA (Fl), Fabrice SAMYN (B), Martin SKAUEN (No), Nuno SOUSA VIEIRA (Pt), Philippe TERRIER-HERMANN (Fr), Tatiana TROUVE (F), Maarten VANDEN EYNDE (Be)

Thalie Art Project and Bn Projects are particularly happy to invite you to the first exhibition organized in the framework of the Muse programme, a cycle of exhibitions supported by the Foundation created in 2012 by Nathalie Guiot, in the prestigious and very private setting of a mansion conceived and built by architect Marc Corbiau.

Brussels-based curator Emmanuel Lambion has been chosen to inaugurate this series of site-specific projects. The first edition will take place between 18 and 21 April 2013 and will be included in the off programme of the 2013 edition of Art Brussels
The title of the exhibition, an antonymous quotation of a well-known English idiom (“lost in translation†), plays on the ambivalence and polysemy of words in English. This can, in fact, be translated into French as “traduction†or “translation†. The common denominator of these two “interpretations†lies in the etymological approach of the term “translation†itself, whose Latin origins refer to the action of carrying/taking something, somebody or oneself out of its normal context (from trans-fero-translatum).
Thus, the concept of translation here, goes beyond any restrictive semantic use, to be apprehended in a wider, metaphorical meaning, like the subtle deliberate shifting of one of the parameters of a work of art, opening up to new perspectives of investigation, research, transmission and perception .

Through this simple deviation from one perspective or from one given context to another, an implicit and subtle phenomenon of sending something back to the drawing board generally takes effect, of questioning norms, codes, languages, and accepted practices.

It is a phenomenon which, in our meaning, underlies many a contemporary art practice and research. Beyond any generational approach, we find ourselves in an age where the meaning often coils up into the interstice, in the critical space. Openend up by the shift in meaning of one of the art work’s parameters.

Found in Translation, chapter M is the 8th chapter of curator Emmanuel Lambion’s exhibitions series, initiated in January 2010. Each chapter, identified by an index letter selected associatively rather than alphabetically, becomes part of a cycle which links specific declensions to different contexts, places and formats around this polymorphic subject.

In the present case, the emphasis has been put on a selection of works integrated to the domestic functionality of the setting as well as on pieces which reflect the liminal and contrasted character of this impressive contemporary architecture made of concrete : located on the edge of the woods, in a very residential neighborhood, at the borders of the region of Brussels.

A tension between nature and culture, a reflexive investigation on the very idea of the creative process, between matrix and reproduction and / or artefact, whether the latter may be technological, manufactured or hand crafted, a play of subversion on the very concept of value of a work of art, all these dimensions offer potential reading entries to the works selected for this site-specific project.

Curator : Emmanuel Lambion – Bn PROJECTS

With the support of
THALIE Art Project