Anonymously Yours @ Maison GREGOIRE

Dear Visitor,
A few key words to begin with :
Drawings - Brussels - anonymity - Maison GREGOIRE
We’ll come back to that...

’Anonymously Yours’ is an artistic project initiated and developed specially for Maison GREGOIRE- Bn PROJECTS.
The project was made possible thanks to the generous commitment of 82 artists, whose names will not be unveiled until the end of the exhibition and whose works you can discover on the website For a period of six days, Maison Grégoire will lend its listed modernist setting, a masterpiece by architect Henry Van de Velde, to an exhibition focusing on the diversity of contemporary drawing practices.

Our intention is to celebrate drawing as an independent and process-oriented practice, as an intellectual and conceptual exercise, or, in line with the traditional aesthetic ambivalence of the terms (“disegno†in Italian, “dessin†versus “dessein†in French), as the encapsulation of the essence of many artistic investigations.

No doubt, there will be dialogues as well as confrontations between very distinctive practices. This project will also bring to light and celebrate the vitality of the artistic scene in Brussels, a city which, over the past years, has increasingly been establishing itself as a truly cosmopolitan talent hub.
In making our selection from these specially commissioned works, we set out to strike a balance between established and emerging artists, all of whom reflect the vibrancy of the Belgian capital.

An important dimension of the event lies in its association with Maison Grégoire-Bn PROJECTS. Since 1995, Maison Grégoire ( has been operating as an independent arts centre, offering an alternative and often ground-breaking programme.
’Anonymously Yours’ comes at a crucial moment in its evolution, coinciding with the renovation of the building. Run by Bn PROJECTS asbl/vzw for the past three years, the arts centre had so far received no structural public funding. After 15 years of uninterrupted activity, which makes it one of the oldest art centres in Brussels, ‘Anonymously Yours’ is also meant as a fundraising event, to help support Maison Grégoire-Bn PROJECTS commitment to the Belgian and international contemporary art scene.

All the carefully selected works presented in the exhibition, the catalogue and on the website ( will be offered for sale, at a fixed price of 400 euro, which in most cases is well below the market value for these artists, who have generously accepted to play this anonymous game.
And now….A vous,

Not quite anonymously, but
Sincerely yours,
Wivine de Traux and Emmanuel Lambion